The Feldenkrais Method™ is a mindful movement exploration practice that enables you to rewire your movement patterns, promotes learning, and facilitates the recalibration of your nervous system for ease, efficiency and internal support. This embodied learning method is based on your human developmental movement patterns; how you breathe, walk, crawl, and sit are patterns you develop at an early age. Your body continues with these patterns until you find a different way of doing them, or they’re interpreted by injuries or new movement discoveries. That means you can brush your teeth the same way your whole life, holding your shoulder too tightly, until your body finds that it can be supported by your pelvis and you can relax your shoulder to brush your teeth in an easier way*.

By gently exploring how you do these functional movements movements in a guided, safe, connected way, you are invited to find easier, more pleasurable and more efficient ways of moving. When you recalibrate your nervous systems to your needs in class, you are able to recalibrate your life to your needs outside of class using the same concepts through this embodied way of being. Through The Feldenkrais Method you recondition your nervous systems to include your whole being into your movements. This enables your whole body (and being) to support your intention to act. You will also recondition your nervous system to understand and appreciate resting and provide the variety and balance it needs to spark your brain and body into a state of learning. This process promotes neuro-somatic connections and facilitates new neural connections. When you teach your nervous system and body to work through pain, you simply teach it to tolerate higher levels of pain. When you teach your body and nervous system to self-regulate based on ease, breath and satiation, you rewire your perspective to look for these things in life. This emphasizes the embodied element of this learning method. Whatever qualities you learn in class are weaved into the way that you move, whether that is creating spaciousness for creativity, making connections for insights, or finding support for grounding, the possibilities are endless and entirely up to you and what you want to get out of a class.

What you teach your nervous systems on the floor of a Feldenkrais class are what options you enable yourself to have in your daily life. What if it is easier to sit in your chair when you work? What if intuitively know when to give your eyes and brain a rest during screen time? What if you aware of when your breath changes and could pinpoint which circumstances in your life promote spacious breath or contracted breath? What if you knew that they way you were sitting on your couch was preventing you from getting up whenever you wanted and you were stuck? What if your movement could be spontaneous? What if your movement could be fun? What if your movement could be easy? What if your movement could be free? When you move better, you feel better; when you feel better, you act better; when you act better you live better. All of these questions are tailored to your UNIQUE design, because only you know what feels better to you. Including your whole system in your self-image means you can act out of the whole of you – or at least know when you’re not. The Feldenkrais Method of coming into yourself to listen to your body and its needs enables you to refocus and recalibrate your own nervous system on your terms. You can do it anywhere, anytime. Come join a Feldenkrais class or private session to transform your movement and transform your life. 

Classes: Tuesday and Saturday 7am PST / 10am EST / 3pm GMT

$15 / hr class

Private Sessions: Contact to book 1hr session

Online: $50

In-Person: $75

Please contact me to book or for more information.

*This is simply an example to illustrate how it might work, results are unique to your body and needs.

IMPORTANT MEDICAL DISCLAIMER: The information is NOT INTENDED or IMPLIED to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content is for general information purposes only. Please see a medical professional if you need help with illness, or have any concerns whatsoever. Information seen here does not replace prescribed medical care. I DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE OR DIAGNOSIS. Results shared are not typical. You may or may not experience anything from my services. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to cure and I do not guarantee that your problems or symptoms will be healed with my products and services.

The following are service marks, trademarks, or certification marks of the Feldenkrais Guild® of North America in Canada: The Feldenkrais Method™